Thursday, June 23, 2005

Justices Rule Cities Can Take Property for Private Development - New York Times

Justices Rule Cities Can Take Property for Private Development - New York Times: "Justices Rule Cities Can Take Property for Private Development"

A reinstall of the 'JustBlogIt' software that caused me to sign up to Blogger in the first place. Well, this story is one that I've noticed to have just been discovered by a number of sites. The case, an eminent domain case in front of the Supreme Court has been decided in the favor of business and government as opposed to the basic home owner .Over at Fox News it barely makes a side link. The story of the missing girl in Aruba, while tragic, is not of the same importance but to Fox it trumps the rights of homeowners. The right wing blog LGF has no mention of it, the left wing blog KOS, makes no mention of it. It's interesting to see who finds this taking away of property rights newsworthy and who doesn't. As interesting as seeing that the rights of citizens, of property owners is more valued and was voted for by the 'right wing' Justices while it was the 'left wingers' who voted to send your property rights down the river to business and local governments. Just another step toward the business ruled world as seen in various distopian novels or various goose stepping dictatorships.


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