Friday, November 12, 2004

Alberto Gonzales: A Record of Injustice - Center for American Progress

Alberto Gonzales: A Record of Injustice - Center for American Progress

Alberto Gonzales is a fellow with whom many people have issues. Disturbing advice given to President Bush about how many of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions are 'obsolete' is one bad sign of a fellow with a bad grasp of law. Another issue which is of concern for people who find this website has to do with his advice as chief legal counsel to President Bush when Bush was the govenor of Texas. Specifically the information he gave with regards to death row inmates and Terry Washington, a 33 year old retarded man in particular. Bush based his final decisions concerning death row inmates facing execution on the words written by Gonzales. Gonzales failed, in the case of Washinton, to even mention the issues of mental retardation as well as issues of ineffectiveness of council. Whether you agree with the death penalty or not, the idea that the next attorney general for the United States will be so lax in his ability to convey the complete set of issues in any given circumstance is bothersome to say the least.


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