Monday, September 05, 2005

Sen. Landrieu Threatens to 'Punch' President if He Keeps Hitting Local Response to Katrina

Sen. Landrieu Threatens to 'Punch' President if He Keeps Hitting Local Response to Katrina

I actually watched This Week on ABC and it's funny how the spin on this little helicopter tour with George Stephonapolis goes. In the news reports it's about the 'spunky' Landrieu wanting to punch the president if he dares to criticise the abysmal efforts of her own home state. What struck me about the piece is that she takes George over to her summer beach home and to show how completely out of touch she is with regular folks breathlessly imparts the earth shattering information that you know, some of those beach houses are actually the homes of some people, and not just their second homes. Wow. We have the solution to the problem. All those people whose houses are destroyed can go to their winter homes and wait for the insurance checks to roll in. Incredible. So completely out of touch that she doesn't even realize how out of touch she is. And her weak ass promise to punch George Bush will be excused because she's a woman. And her fake little cry at the end was just upsetting.


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